Mako - Inshore Fishing

Sailfish- A Windy January

3 Sailfish: Catch Report for 2017-01-07 and 08

Sailfish- A Windy January

Releasing Sailfish in Early 2017:

January 7-9, 2017:

Coming home after releasing sailfish.

Lady Lola, our 42′ Bertram, coming into Cap Cana Marina.


The Trips:

The Lady Lola, our 42′ Bertram, went out with three different groups on January 7th and 9th.  The weather has been iffy, but the waves were not bad during these 4-hour trips.  Fifteen minutes out of the marina, the lines were in.  On the 7th we had Captain Aljeni in charge, and on the 9th Captain Moreno took over both trips.  The clients released 1-1 sailfish on the 7th and 2-2 sailfish and a tuna on the 9th.  The FADs may be full of blue marlin and mahi, but if you’re short on time or budget, half-day trips offer plenty of fun as well closer to shore!

The fishing season continues out of Cap Cana Marina!  We have been locked in by the wind for about a week, but boats finally started their trips yesterday and it looks like the weather is calming down as of tomorrow afternoon.  We hope it stays that way so we can keep finding all these billfish!

Besides the blue marlin trips to Macao, which as still producing an amazing bite, this season is great for exploring the Boca de Yuma area for sailfish.  Let’s go!

The Boat:

The Lady Lola, our beautiful 42′ Bertram, is perfect for runs to Macao as well as for shorter trips close by.  She has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a lower galley, and a comfortable salon with an L-shaped sofa and air conditioning.

Contact Us

T : 809-224-0962
C : 829-639-3542
Slip C-11 Marina Cap Cana, R.D.

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